DigApp and TaphonomApp
DigApp and TaphonomApp are two new open access mobile apps developed to aid archaeological and paleontological excavations and taphonomical analyses. Researchers can easily customise the apps according to their research, without the need of any prior programming knowledge.
The use of these apps makes the data easily and readily accessible since collection, eliminates human error through automation, improves the consistency of terminology, and enhances the security of the data since it is stored in the cloud and backed-up daily and overall increases efficiency, which is key to carrying out any scientific study.
DigApp and TaphonomApp are open access, free of charge mobile apps, subject to the condition that the original source (Martín-Perea et al., 2019) is referenced in all publications which utilise it:
Martín-Perea, D.M., Abrunhosa, A., Domingo, M.S., Cantero, E., Menéndez, I., Blanco-Segovia, F., Domingo, L., Hernández-Fernández, M., Morales, J. (In press) DigApp and TaphonomApp: Two new open access palaeontological and archaeological mobile apps.
DigApp, TaphonomApp and all associated documentation, are copyright © 2019 David Manuel Martín Perea and Ana Abrunhosa. Users are free to distribute and modify the software provided that the original source and copyright are acknowledged in any modified version and that no attempt is made to pass off the derivative work as being the unmodified work of David Manuel Martín Perea and Ana Abrunhosa.
The developers of DigApp and TaphonomApp make no warranty regarding (1) the suitability of DigApp or TaphonomApp for any particular application, or (2) the absence of errors in the software or documentation. To the extent permitted by law, no liability will be accepted for any losses whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from the use of DigApp, TaphonomApp or the associated documentation. Users should satisfy themselves as to the suitability of DigApp or TaphonomApp for their intended application and modify them for their particular use.